Root Canal Treatment – Mount Vernon

Root Canal Treatment

What is root canal treatment?

The need for root canal treatment is most often caused by a buildup of bacterial decay. Once this begins inside the tooth, it is unlikely to stop if left untreated, and will likely continue to cause intense pain until the tooth ultimately dislodges and falls out. Decay can happen as a result of residual build-up, occurring over time when regular cleaning is missed. The hardened plaque that develops, and subsequent erosion caused by bacteria, all contributes to the deterioration of the overall strength of the tooth, throughout the pulp and root.

kenton moore
December 11, 2024

I went in for cleaning and had a great experience. The cleaning was well done! The hygienist was very professional and explained what he observed and recommended corrective actions!

Stacy Livingston
November 20, 2024

Shay is fabulous! Amazing and thorough cleaning!

Sophie Lancaster
November 19, 2024

I just had my first check-up and cleaning at Dental Arts of Pelham and I couldn't be more impressed! The entire experience was absolutely fantastic. The whole team was very knowledgeable and made me feel completely at ease. They took the time to thoroughly examine my teeth and prepare an amazing treatment plan, and even worked with my busy work schedule to make everything convenient for me. I'm so glad I chose Dental Arts of Pelham for my dental care. The level of professionalism, expertise, and patient-centered approach is truly outstanding. I highly recommend this practice to anyone looking for an exceptional dental experience.

Doretha Lanier
November 12, 2024

Very professional, timely, friendly and helpful with all ones concern

Helen Peeples
October 24, 2024

Chris the hygienist is thorough and kind. I love this practice and hope you give them a try

Raycine Taylor
October 17, 2024

Very clean and very patient all the staff was simply amazing I would recommend anytime.

Looking for Root Canal Treatment in Pelham or Mount Vernon?

Dentists will always aim to save your tooth, even one that is infected by decay, damaged through injury, or eroded over time. Infection or decay left untreated, can lead to problems developing deeper inside the tooth and its root, though often extraction can still be avoided, using the best root canal treatments and methods available. Saving the tooth with root canal treatment, means the patient avoids the expense and inconvenience of undergoing procedures for a tooth replacement, such as an implant or bridge.

Root canal, or endodontic therapy, is a process that opens up the affected tooth, and accesses the root to facilitate deep cleaning and disinfecting. The infected area is cleaned and washed out with specialized tools, to remove affected pulp and nerve tissue. Once the root cavity is completely cleaned and sanitized, a medicated filler closes the space to establish a strengthened foundation for the tooth.


 This creates stability, and lays the groundwork for any subsequent cosmetic procedure, such as fillings or crowns, planned above the gum line.

Reasons for requiring a root canal treatment can develop as a result of dental pain going untreated. This can stem from an abscess causing localized and highly sensitized pain in the area. Abscesses can occur through poor health and nutrition or insufficient brushing and flossing. There are myriad reasons a patient is unable to see a dentist for a general checkup, when signs of decay might be intercepted at an earlier stage. We understand the need for root canal treatment can often be unexpected. There is no cause to fear today’s treatments and procedures, which have the capability in some cases, to be completed in one visit.

If your tooth roots are abnormally shaped or your if you have a severe condition it is possible that your dentist will refer you to an endodontist for the procedure. Endodontist are dental specialists who focus root canal therapy and have undergone years of training.

What are the signs that I might need a root canal treatment?

At the first sign of any kind of dental pain, it is recommended that you make an appointment to see a dentist. Even if you are not registered with a dentist’s office, reach out for advice right away. Dental pain left untreated can escalate to an unmanageable level, and in a small percentage of cases, be an indicator of a more serious medical problem. As well as localized pain, symptoms which could point to infection inside a tooth, include: 

– Unpleasant taste or odor · 

– Pus or discharge around the gum · 

– Heightened sensitivity to heat and cold · 

– Heightened sensitivity to sweet and spicy foods · 

– Discoloration of the tooth · 

– Swollen or aching lymph nodes around the neck and jaw

What does the treatment involve?

The affected tooth and its surrounding area is anesthetized for treatment. Once the area has been isolated with a dental dam, and fully numbed, an opening is created in the top of the tooth. Dead and decayed tissue is carefully removed, and the roots thoroughly rinsed with disinfecting medications, to ensure all affected tissue is eliminated, and the area surgically cleaned. The empty cavity created, is then shaped to hold a rubber-like substance, gutta percha, which will regain the stability in the tooth and when fully set, provide a solid foundation to support a cap or crown. The endodontologist will close the tooth with a temporary covering, until your permanent crown is ready.

How soon can I get root canal treatment?

Once the dentist has examined your affected tooth and taken digital x-rays, they will diagnose you, and advise a course of treatment. If root canal therapy is recommended, they will refer you for the earliest appointment that’s suitable to you. Antibiotics may be required to address any infection spreading beyond the tooth. The endontologist will review your x-ray, and perform an additional, thorough examination of your teeth; gums and general oral health. They will ensure you are a suitable candidate in terms of your overall medical status before beginning any treatment. 

How likely is it that I will get another  root canal treatment?

Our highly skilled and experienced dentists and endontologists can predict with a high degree of certainty, if root canal treatment will succeed in saving your tooth. With a 95% success rate across America, and around 15 million treatments completed every year in the US, this is a fast, effective, and painless procedure, saving and strengthening millions of natural teeth.

Root canal treatment eliminates pain and infection, as well as the need for costly restorative dental work. Receiving a diagnosis for root canal treatment is an opportunity to identify the reason infection occurred in the tooth. A review of brushing and flossing technique can prevent a recurrence and ensure teeth are maintaining their hold in the gum. Adopting a preventative approach supports the routine of maintaining regular dental check-ups and in-office cleaning.

Operating in the knowledge your actions will lead to better comfort, and a greatly reduced likelihood of your requiring costly dental work in the future is a powerful motivator to uphold a lifelong regimen of great dental health and cleaning.

The benefits of good teeth and oral health, has numerous benefits. Self-confidence enjoyed in personal and professional relationships, provides an invaluable asset across interactions in all walks of life. Supporting patients in attaining and maintaining their best smile throughout their lifetime, while avoiding unnecessary treatment, is what we strive for.

Need a root canal treatment or need a second opinion? Do you have swelling or pain and been told you need a root canal?

Call our office today on 914-738-3606 for an appointment.

We offer root canal treatment, second opinions on root canal treatments  and root canal retreatments. Second opinions are free. (Please bring x-rays)

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